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Options.ini Command Conquer Generals

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by laicusympfilt1987 2020. 3. 5. 16:01


Upgrade 20-January-2016: If you buy Order Conquer on it should function great without getting to crack anything. Even runs in Windows 10. However, Generals and No Hr can't be purchased individually any more on Source, but they are accessible in the entire. While Command Conquer: Generals and Zero Hour seem to set up Fine in Windows 7, actually running them, well, not therefore much. When you consider to start the game, you might find you get the 1st splash display screen (where the DRM assessments disc 1) adopted by a somewhat larger splash display, and after that. Ultimately you'll get an mistake discussion that 'a severe error offers happened' and that 'sport.dat' offers crashed.


For whatever cause, CC seems to have got trouble creating out a default choices.ini document when releasing the sport for the very first period, or in any other case passes away because it can't discover one.

Command & Conquer Generals

It is usually achievable, the Gamedata.ini file offers a environment called 'maxcameraheight' which enables you to modify the video camera height. Nevertheless this stops you from playing with individuals (LAN or onIine) who havén't transformed this value. The Gamedata.ini file is situated in installdirectory EA Video games Command Conquer Generals No Hour Data INI. If this document is not generally there you can downIoad it and save it in this area.

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For instance at:. Modifying the 'Gamedata.ini' file can be completed with a simple texteditor, established maxcameraheight to sométhing below 1000, 600 or 700 is usually good usually. Make furthermore sure to arranged the resolution in this document to the resolution of your display.

Command Conquer Generals Windows 10

Wide display resolutions like 1600x900 or 1920x1080 are achievable. If you haven't carried out this however: established this quality furthermore in the 'options.ini' document which is usually located at username Records Command and Conquer Generals No Hour Data. Please create sure to do not change the options in-game bécause it will mess up this changes!

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OK so I simply invested over a day researching on how to fix the resolution problem where you are too zoomed in bécause of mismatching óf screen quality to video game quality. You can potentially fix it with modifications like as Gamédata.ini, but thát will limit you from playing online owing to the reality that it gets to be a various version. The just method to repair it legally is certainly to download GenTool which gives even more possibilities for modification of screen quality in Choices in the major menu of the game. The web site of GenTool will be not always operating, so you cán download it fróm. The only problem is usually that this gained't work on the 17 decades Ultimate release group. It will function on the First Decade group and on thé Generals (and GeneraIs No Hr) sport only.